Activities & Courses

English & Drama Courses

  • We have profound experience in applying government funding and subsidies to schools, e.g. QEF, EEGS, PEEGS, IT Lab Funding, etc.
  • We provide consultations to schools and advice on application process, allocation of the use of the funding/ subsidies.

We provide ECA courses, which assist students to improve their academic results and develop new habits or skills.

ECA Activities

  • Drama Performance
  • Parents-Child Workshop
  • Fun Day Execution
  • Book Fair Arrangement
  • Outing Activities


English & Reading Fun Day

We provide ECA courses, which assist students to improve their academic results and develop new habits or skills.
ECA Course
  • Remedial and Enhancement Class
  • Drama Course
  • Writing Course
  • Debating Course

App Development IT Courses

App & Game Development Course
  • Fundamental knowledges for game development
  • Inspiration on students’ career-planning
  • Teacher’s development training to sustain the course
  • Applying students’ works into real-life events, e.g. Fun Day, English Activities, School Open Day, etc.
IT course schools example:
  • 香港仔工業學校
  • 東涌天主教學校 (中學)
  • 香港道教聯合會青松中學
  • 迦密唐賓南紀念中學
  • 可立中學(嗇色園主辦)


Activities & Courses

Funding Application Consultation
  • We have profound experience in applying government funding and subsidies to schools, e.g. QEF, EEGS, PEEGS, IT Lab Funding, etc.
  • We provide consultations to schools and advice on application process, allocation of the use of the funding/ subsidies.